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RC Boys' School

RC School

Meeting the growing demand of good educational institutions in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, KWG International has made a breakthrough and has established a school that works ahead in creating an amiable and learning environment for students. We are proud to present you some more information about what we can offer your child in addition to an excellent education In an international setting, where safety and respect are paramount, we offer the following services:

- Small groups

- High standards

- World citizenship

- International network

- Value driven education

- International awareness

- Differentiation in class

Pupils have regular access to the multi-media centre, which is used for both individual learning and group project work. It is well-equipped with books in English and Dutch, computer and audio equipment and there is Internet access.

In the Parents Section you will find more information about our activities and in the Staff Section you will find the names of our staff members, including the relevant details .